
Lithuanians create artificial intelligence with ability to identify fake news in 2 minutes EXCLUSIVE
Reuters: Trump received letter from North Korea’s Kim on Aug. 1
Washington Post: Amid 11-fold surge in Tinder dating, Russian women discover a world beyond Russian men Inter TV channel to broadcast FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia Trump says US delegation arrives in North Korea for talks
Adidas accused of historical insensitivity for its Russia ‘tank dress’ EXCLUSIVE
Pew survey: Russia disliked around world; most in Poland, Turkey see Kremlin as major threat EXCLUSIVE
Ukrainian PGO issues suspicion notice Russian General Zavizyon, puts him on wanted list
Al Jazeera: Image of Turkish assassin wins World Press Photo award
Ukraine says Russia continuing military buildup EXCLUSIVE
UN classifies Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia as Northern Europe
The Daily Mail: Nigel Farange says Trump’s victory is “bigger than Brexit”
Saakashvili’s wife rejects seat in Georgian parliament
Surkov briefed on countering Ukrainian blockade of ‘separatist republics’ EXCLUSIVE
BBC: This map will show you the windiest place on Earth right now
Nikita Khrushchev’s daughter, Rada Adzhubei, dies at 87 in Moscow