What Happens to Eastern Europe if the US Withdraws?
Andreas Umland
What Happens to Eastern Europe if the US Withdraws?
The prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House raises the specter of the United States gradually receding from the European security scenario. Russia’s neighbors are worried.
Self-Deterrence in Ukraine Will Trigger What We Think We’re Preventing
Victor Rud
Self-Deterrence in Ukraine Will Trigger What We Think We’re Preventing
From the failings of NATO to the West’s hypocrisy, naivety and actions that shore up Russia, the West’s ingrained stance of self-deterrence magnifies the egregiousness of its folly.
Fake Shahed Putin Plays His Last Scoundrel Card – Trump
Andrei Pointkovsky
Fake Shahed Putin Plays His Last Scoundrel Card – Trump
The free world needs to act now to stop tottering Putin getting his way via Donald Trump
Why Britain Supports Ukraine
Charles Cockell
Why Britain Supports Ukraine
Support for Ukraine and its freedom is not a partisan issue.
Kyiv Should Look to the Triangle With Romania and Moldova for Its Own Future EXCLUSIVE
Radu Magdin
Kyiv Should Look to the Triangle With Romania and Moldova for Its Own Future
It is high time for Romania, Moldova and Ukraine to cooperate in a mutually beneficial alliance to mitigate the damaged caused by Russia's relentless attacks.
Not only Ukraine: How Russia Destroys Other Nations EXCLUSIVE
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn
Not only Ukraine: How Russia Destroys Other Nations
Russia takes away the identity of other ethnic groups and gives them a low standard of living, poor education, and propaganda on television instead.
The West Must Act Faster Against Russia’s Aggression EXCLUSIVE
Anders Aslund
The West Must Act Faster Against Russia’s Aggression
The West needs to act while there's still time to tip the military balance against Russia. There could be grave consequences to acting too slowly.
US President Must Coordinate the Confiscation of Russia’s Assets During the G7 Summit EXCLUSIVE
Eugene Czolij
US President Must Coordinate the Confiscation of Russia’s Assets During the G7 Summit
The West must seize, confiscate and transfer to Ukraine – not only the profits generated by Russia’s sovereign assets frozen worldwide – but the actual assets themselves.
Moscow’s Naval Ploys in Cuba: The Illusion of Strength Undermined by Ukrainian Resilience EXCLUSIVE
Stepan Stepanenko
Moscow’s Naval Ploys in Cuba: The Illusion of Strength Undermined by Ukrainian Resilience
As Russian ships exercise around Cuba, Ukraine’s recent experience in forcing them out of Crimean ports should shed light on the Russian navy’s effectiveness.
Making The World Safe For Autocracy EXCLUSIVE
Rogier Ormeling
Making The World Safe For Autocracy
Propaganda assets like Tucker Carlson are useful in ways the KGB barely could have dreamed of during the Cold War.
Those Who Start a War and Lose are Not the Victims EXCLUSIVE
Michael Brodsky
Those Who Start a War and Lose are Not the Victims
The international community must see through the crocodile tears and hold Hamas – from its leaders to its henchmen and murderous – accountable for unspeakable acts of terror.
Biden Is Rolling Dice With Ukraine’s Future and Europe’s Security EXCLUSIVE
Doug Hiller
Biden Is Rolling Dice With Ukraine’s Future and Europe’s Security
The US president is continuing to send the wrong signal to Ukraine and NATO and sounds more like Hungary’s obstructive Orban than the leader of the free world.
Environment: No Longer a Silent Victim — Ukraine Leads the Charge in Prosecuting Environmental War Crimes EXCLUSIVE
Andriy Kostin
Environment: No Longer a Silent Victim — Ukraine Leads the Charge in Prosecuting Environmental War Crimes
Thanks to Ukraine's proactive stance and the commitment of our international partners, the environment, once a silent casualty of war, now has a voice that resonates globally.
European Commission Ukraine Report: Reflections From the Country’s Primary Energy Firm EXCLUSIVE
Oleksiy Chernyshov
European Commission Ukraine Report: Reflections From the Country’s Primary Energy Firm
Ukraine has entered heating season 2023-24 better prepared, with improved air defenses and reinforced energy site security, while satisfying crucial milestones in its European integration efforts.
Two Axes of Liberty EXCLUSIVE
Charles Cockell
Two Axes of Liberty
Democratic institutions and the freedom they engender are not eternal. The Russo-Ukrainian war is a stark reminder that Europe must become a self-sustaining and self-defending axis of liberty.
Victory on Economic Front: UK Supreme Court Ruling on the $3 Billion “Yanukovych Debt” Case editor`s choice
Serhiy Fursa
Victory on Economic Front: UK Supreme Court Ruling on the $3 Billion “Yanukovych Debt” Case
Kyiv has won a victory over the Kremlin concerning bonds issued by the deposed and exiled former pro-Russian president during the Revolution of Dignity.
Ukraine Must Stay the Course EXCLUSIVE
George Woloshyn
Ukraine Must Stay the Course
“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” The words of Patrick Henry, American patriot during the Revolutionary War, resonate today.
My Theory for Delivering Victory to Ukraine EXCLUSIVE
Andrei Piontkovsky
My Theory for Delivering Victory to Ukraine
For too long the West has avoided talking of Ukraine’s “victory” over Russia but for some the language has changed and it’s time for Washington to adopt the same tone.
Beautiful Views and Ugly Occupation EXCLUSIVE
Andriy Kurkov
Beautiful Views and Ugly Occupation
While Odesa residents are getting up early to enjoy the sunrise, Russia continues to systematically steal the property of Ukrainian citizens in the occupied territories.
Humanizing the Enemy: In Pursuit of ‘Good’ Russians EXCLUSIVE
Inna Kocamis
Humanizing the Enemy: In Pursuit of ‘Good’ Russians
It’s easy to relegate Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine to the ambitions of a single evil man. Too easy. But evil, in this case, is less top-down than ground-up.