The SBU has also released photos including one showing Kyva’s body lying face down in the snow surrounded by flecks of blood. Another shows what appears to be the assassin's weapon.
Dec. 11, 2023
The Ukrainians’ visit to Washington this past week resulted in the signing of an agreement that will open up avenues for new defense cooperation between Ukraine, the US, and European allies.
Dec. 10, 2023
Fighting corruption is a key part of Ukraine's EU bid. Along with hiring new detectives at NABU, parliament also voted to strengthen another anti-corruption agency, the NACP.
Dec. 9, 2023
Kyiv says Russia has rendered the OSCE powerless to take action. At the parliamentary assembly level, where Russia's been barred, Ukraine hopes it can start the ball rolling to break Russia's grip.
Dec. 9, 2023
War in Ukraine
As Russia’s war in Ukraine drags on into its twenty-first month, reports are appearing that the numbers of its soldiers seeking to desert are surging and there is growing discontent back in Russia.
Dec. 8, 2023
War in Ukraine
The International Olympic Committee added that there were currently only eight athletes from Russia and three from Belarus who had qualified as neutral athletes.
Dec. 8, 2023
Having rejected Biden’s plan to send $61 billion of aid to Ukraine, there are increasingly ominous signs rising out of Washington.
Dec. 7, 2023
War in Ukraine
Top-level meetings between Ukrainian and US government officials are happening in Washington, which will help foster cooperation between the two nations' defense industries.
Dec. 7, 2023
War in Ukraine
With no end to the war or likelihood of release from service in sight, the number of Russian soldiers seeking a way out has increased sharply over the last few months.
Dec. 7, 2023
War in Ukraine
On the same day that Illia Kyva was killed in Moscow with small arms, Oleg Popov, a Russian-backed politician in the occupied “Luhansk People's Republic” was killed in a car bombing.
Dec. 6, 2023
War in Ukraine
Ukraine doesn’t have that many weapons that can score this kind of kill, and there are signs Kyiv plopped a modern anti-aircraft missile battery somewhere the Russian air force wasn’t expecting.
Dec. 6, 2023
A Turkish-owned arms manufacturer seems to be running a production line manufacturing badly-needed 122mm shells for Kyiv is running 24/7 according to a source.
Dec. 6, 2023
Kyiv Post sources claim that the attack had serious consequences, while Russia has downplayed the incident.
Dec. 6, 2023
War in Ukraine
A boutique French hunting rifle and shotgun manufacturer has been tapped to build thousands of combat rifles for Ukraine’s frontline fighters. But not everything appears kosher.
Dec. 5, 2023
At the height of war, language scandals have again erupted about Russian's role in Ukraine and attitudes toward its speakers. And Moscow has used claims of discrimination as a pretext for war.
Dec. 3, 2023