United Nations Must Do or Die EXCLUSIVE
Alina Zubkovych
United Nations Must Do or Die
It’s high time the UN acts now to either exclude Russia or recognize itself as dysfunctional.
Setting the Conditions for Victory or Defeat
Hans Petter Midttun
Setting the Conditions for Victory or Defeat
Incremental increase in military aid to Ukraine, while appreciated, risks leading to a protracted conflict. Kyiv needs a decisive, unequivocal and proactive commitment to ensure that it wins.
Ukraine’s Government Sackings – A Well-Timed Move?
Volodymyr Fesenko
Ukraine’s Government Sackings – A Well-Timed Move?
The recent wave of dismissals among Ukrainian government officials comes after a mass of evidence, and shows Zelensky’s awareness of the eyes of the public and international partners.
Ukraine's Global Peace Formula Summit: Catalyst for UN Reform or Rebirth?
Maksym Skrypchenko
Ukraine's Global Peace Formula Summit: Catalyst for UN Reform or Rebirth?
The UN Is at a crossroads as Zelensky seeks to drive forward his peace plan.
The Tragedy of Ukraine: A Eulogy for a Flawed Icon
Askold S. Lozynskyj
The Tragedy of Ukraine: A Eulogy for a Flawed Icon
Dmytro Pavlychko was a towering figure during the initial years of Ukraine’s independence. His death reminds us of a complex legacy.
EU Candidate State – Ukraine Six Months On EXCLUSIVE
Mark Temnycky
EU Candidate State – Ukraine Six Months On
Though wartime Ukraine has made progress in adopting reforms and moving towards Western institutional values, a lot of work still needs to be done.
Ukraine’s European Future editor`s choice
Marianna Kozintseva
Ukraine’s European Future
Ukraine seeks to join the European Union (EU) within two years – an inspirational objective or an unrealistic dream?
Iran – Russia's Troublemaker in the Caucaus
Claudia Palazzo
Iran – Russia's Troublemaker in the Caucaus
Russia wants Iran to toe the line. But with Iran increasingly isolated and now under attack, can diplomacy hold in the region?
Last Week in Ukraine: Talks on F-16 Jets for Ukraine, Fight Against Corruption Stepped Up
Ihor Zhdanov
Last Week in Ukraine: Talks on F-16 Jets for Ukraine, Fight Against Corruption Stepped Up
Ukraine secures more than 100 Leopard-2 tanks, as senior officials lose jobs in corruption fight.
Dmytro Pavlychko – A Poet who Was Much More Than That EXCLUSIVE
Bohdan Nahaylo
Dmytro Pavlychko – A Poet who Was Much More Than That
A tribute from a historian, journalist and friend.
Why We All Have to Fight Against the Russian Peril - A Polish Perspective EXCLUSIVE
Adam Borowski
Why We All Have to Fight Against the Russian Peril - A Polish Perspective
Today's dramatic situation requires all of us to be involved and active in the casue of defending freedom.
The Future of Ukrainian Science EXCLUSIVE
Charles Cockell
The Future of Ukrainian Science
Ukraine has unique scientific potential and much of that is lodged in its geographical location.