Biden’s Answer on F-16 to Ukraine is an Excuse… and Not a Good One
Jeffrey Fischer
Biden’s Answer on F-16 to Ukraine is an Excuse… and Not a Good One
Various reason have been given to explain why sending Ukraine F-16 fighter jets is unworkable but 30-year military aviator and analyst Jeffrey Fischer, argues none of them stand up.
Mobilization in Georgia, Moldova and Serbia EXCLUSIVE
Dr. Orhan Dragas
Mobilization in Georgia, Moldova and Serbia
Russia has a history of trying to spread discord in its near abroad. With Georgia and Moldova simmering, Serbia must pay attention and have the courage to take a stand.
Germany’s Security Guarantees Received by Ukraine as 'Once Bitten, Twice Shy' EXCLUSIVE
Jonathan Sweet
Germany’s Security Guarantees Received by Ukraine as 'Once Bitten, Twice Shy'
‘It is time Ukraine was freed up to formulate its own agenda in view of the numerous times “security guarantees” have failed them,’ write analysts Jonathan Sweet and Mark Toth.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers Who Define Their Terms
Lada Roslycky
Blessed Are the Peacemakers Who Define Their Terms
The UN, China and Ukraine have peace points, not peace plans. But together they do identify step one towards a feasible peace plan for Ukraine: defining sovereignty.
Misconceptions in Ukraine about Inflation EXCLUSIVE
Serhiy Fursa
Misconceptions in Ukraine about Inflation
Unusual economic events marked the first couple of months of the year in Ukraine: gasoline prices fell and the hryvnia exchange rate on the cash market strengthened.
Judicial Reform in Ukraine: A Multi-level Path to Trust Restoration EXCLUSIVE
Denys Maslov
Judicial Reform in Ukraine: A Multi-level Path to Trust Restoration
Ukraine’s judicial reform should have a real strategic goal, specific objectives for implementation, and an understanding of the urgent problems of the justice system.
Who Can Pay for Putin’s War? Step Forward Vladimir
Timothy Ash
Who Can Pay for Putin’s War? Step Forward Vladimir
The West invariably plays by the rules while our enemies break them. It’s time to bend them, a little.
Sanctions, Confiscations and Compensations: How the Legal Defense of Ukraine Works
Iryna Mudra
Sanctions, Confiscations and Compensations: How the Legal Defense of Ukraine Works
Ukraine is not only fighting Russia on the battlefield but also in the courtroom to set the stage for the acquisition of reparations for the damage and justice for those who have been killed.
How to Help Ukrainians, a Year In
Timothy Snyder
How to Help Ukrainians, a Year In
Americans frequently ask why should they donate to Ukraine, given that the US government is supporting the Ukrainian government. This is a perfectly reasonable question.
Are Sanctions Working?
Diane Francis
Are Sanctions Working?
The sanctions announced by Ukraine’s coalition at the outset of the war were billed as draconian, but a year later the question is whether they are working or not?
Time is Not on Putin’s Side editor`s choice
Timothy Ash
Time is Not on Putin’s Side
The outlook for Russia’s war against Ukraine: does Russia have any chance of winning?
Zelensky’s Lessons for Human Rights Advocacy EXCLUSIVE
Nicolas Agostini
Zelensky’s Lessons for Human Rights Advocacy
Having worked as a stage performer and actor for most of his career, the Ukrainian president’s communications skills have proven to be world class. He could teach us all.