Ukraine’s Summer Offensive Reflects a New Way of Waging War
Debra Cagan
Ukraine’s Summer Offensive Reflects a New Way of Waging War
"As the battlespace has changed, which it has dramatically over the past year, Ukraine has adapted and found creative approaches to what previously seemed intractable problems."
Surprised That Ukraine Is Taking Combat Losses? You Shouldn’t Be
Michael Peck
Surprised That Ukraine Is Taking Combat Losses? You Shouldn’t Be
Social media battlefield-watchers seem disconcerted to discover that war involves losses. It’s not a helpful way to understand the war.
Remove Putin Now to Prevent a Larger War EXCLUSIVE
Jason Jay Smart
Remove Putin Now to Prevent a Larger War
To “restore its grandeur,” pro-regime Russian “thinkers” are preparing their society for the unthinkable – the first-strike use of nuclear weapons against the United States.
Britain and the UN Play Catch-Up With New Sanctions on Belarus EXCLUSIVE
Stepan Stepanenko
Britain and the UN Play Catch-Up With New Sanctions on Belarus
The International Labour Organization and the UK are targeting the Belarus regime with new sanctions for supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. But is it too little too late?
On Janus Journalism: Both Side-ism – The Curse of Lazy Journalism EXCLUSIVE
David Bailey
On Janus Journalism: Both Side-ism – The Curse of Lazy Journalism
The constant pursuit of both sides of the story means nothing can be trusted. Journalism to find a spine because there IS such a thing as objective truth.
Kherson Then and Now – Echoes Through History
Steve Brown
Kherson Then and Now – Echoes Through History
As the reservoir dries up, following the destruction of the Khakovka dam, the remains of those who fought when the region was freed from an earlier occupier have been exposed.
Aftershock: Ukraine Can Win the War but Lose the Peace
Edward Lucas
Aftershock: Ukraine Can Win the War but Lose the Peace
Ukraine’s hard-fought victory against Russia, though inevitable, may yet be squandered. To win the peace transparency is needed always and everywhere.
Russia’s Failing Ukraine Invasion is Exposing Putin’s Many Weaknesses
Anders Aslund
Russia’s Failing Ukraine Invasion is Exposing Putin’s Many Weaknesses
Vladimir Putin’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine is exposing all of his personal weaknesses as a ruler. It is also casting an unforgiving light on the extensive damage he has done to Russia.
A Message to the African Peace Mission to Ukraine
Oleksandr Merezhko
A Message to the African Peace Mission to Ukraine
The delegation proposes a roadmap to a ceasefire, yet there are serious questions around credibility where the so-called ‘neutrality’ of member nations is concerned.
Ukraine’s InScience Conference - Science for Victory EXCLUSIVE
Robert Zubrin
Ukraine’s InScience Conference - Science for Victory
Freedom gives us science. Science gives us freedom.
How Time Is Shaping the Course of This War EXCLUSIVE
Steve Brown
How Time Is Shaping the Course of This War
As Russia’s full-scale invasion pans out in ways few had predicted, time has shown itself to be the ultimate warrior – just as it has so many times before.
Time to Check Our Bomb Shelter EXCLUSIVE
Andriy Kurkov
Time to Check Our Bomb Shelter
Since the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam, Kyiv has experienced fewer air raids but the lack of suitable bomb shelters in urban areas remains a big issue.