More Russian Nuclear Blackmail at Zaporizhzhia Plant EXCLUSIVE
Ihor Solovei
More Russian Nuclear Blackmail at Zaporizhzhia Plant
Shortly after it launche its full-scale invasion, Russia seized the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and turned it into a military base, from which it now threatens a fresh man-made catastrophe.
Vilnius NATO Summit – a Moment of Truth EXCLUSIVE
Askold S. Lozynskyj
Vilnius NATO Summit – a Moment of Truth
In the leadup to the NATO summit in Vilnius, there are certain mistakes made in the past that should not be repeated. Angela Merkel’s appeasement is at the top of the list.
Prigozhin’s Gift
Chuck Pfarrer
Prigozhin’s Gift
With the Wagner Group’s aborted coup d'état garnering only forgiveness from the Kremlin despot, Prigozhin has given Ukraine a gift: Putin has chosen to embrace the architects of his failure.
Prigozhin and His Window of Opportunity EXCLUSIVE
Andriy Kurkov
Prigozhin and His Window of Opportunity
The Wagner mutiny, proves anything is possible in Russia’s power struggle. Reports of Prigozhin’s plane flying freely from Belarus and back vie with predictions of him soon flying from tall buildings.
Was Prigozhin’s ‘Mutiny’ Another Example of Putin Disinformation? editor`s choice
Steve Brown
Was Prigozhin’s ‘Mutiny’ Another Example of Putin Disinformation?
Every expert assessed Wagner’s aborted rebellion as being the beginning of the end for Putin, but two letters to the Guardian ask the question “was it all that it seemed?”
Prigozhin’s Mutiny Showed Putin’s Weakness EXCLUSIVE
Anders Aslund
Prigozhin’s Mutiny Showed Putin’s Weakness
The damage Prigozhin caused is considerable and will not be easily repaired. The fog of war has embraced the war in Ukraine, but still, many facts remain clear, Anders Aslund writes.
An American Visitor to Kyiv Reflects on the Fourth of July EXCLUSIVE
Edmond Vea
An American Visitor to Kyiv Reflects on the Fourth of July
The commonalities between Ukraine’s struggle today and that of the United States of America at its inception seem obvious. Nevertheless, it’s important to bear in mind the basis for those struggles.
Ukrainian Defense Industry, Finally, Is Reforming EXCLUSIVE
Maryna Shashkova
Ukrainian Defense Industry, Finally, Is Reforming
In the second year of the war, Zelensky’s team raised the sensitive issue of reforming the defense sector in order to increase the production of weapons. But not everything is so simple.
Turkey's Russia
Diane Francis
Turkey's Russia
Ramzan Kadyrov professes absolute loyalty to Putin, but he could help spark a North Caucasus problem that could spread to the South Caucasus.
Surge Pressure on Russia Now to Leverage Negotiations Later editor`s choice
Richard Cashman
Surge Pressure on Russia Now to Leverage Negotiations Later
A strategically defeated Russia will only gain partial relief from sanctions and political isolation associated with its aggression. Full relief can only come with accountability for their war crimes.
A Dignified Ride on the Night Train EXCLUSIVE
Stash Luczkiw
A Dignified Ride on the Night Train
One of the more trivial anomalies in wartime Ukraine is just getting to the capital. No flights, a long train ride, and as with everything else in this country, dignity is key.
Vlad the Terrible
Diane Francis
Vlad the Terrible
Going forward, Putin will try to consolidate his hold on power, change the optics to make himself look strong, crush Prigozhin, arrest his collaborators, blame the West, and watch his back.