Biden Has Weakened Russia, But Will Not Enable a Win
Jonathan Sweet
Biden Has Weakened Russia, But Will Not Enable a Win
“Someone in the White House, Pentagon or Foggy Bottom should be taking notes – with or without them, Ukraine is going to take the fight to Russia.”
On Reconstruction of Ukraine Part 2 – Implementation and Sector Reform EXCLUSIVE
Daniel Aspleaf
On Reconstruction of Ukraine Part 2 – Implementation and Sector Reform
The scale of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction requires modernization, fresh thinking and the highest standards. Brought together well, the results will be solid for Ukraine’s future.
The Things We Remember
Chris Hennemeyer
The Things We Remember
How we remember the past shapes how we will live the future. Ukraine’s monuments have undergone as turbulent a history as its people. What can be expected after victory?
Vilnius Summit Sends Wrong Message to Putin EXCLUSIVE
Joshua D. Zimmerman
Vilnius Summit Sends Wrong Message to Putin
The 2023 NATO Leaders’ Summit should have been the opportunity to make a historical statement on the Alliance’s preparedness to resist aggression but, as usual, fear and politics got in the way.
Cluster Munitions Are No More Inhumane Than Any Other Battlefield Weapon
Steve Brown
Cluster Munitions Are No More Inhumane Than Any Other Battlefield Weapon
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) uses the slogan: “guns don't kill people, people kill people.” Using that argument, what’s the problem with cluster munitions?
Disappointed But Not Discouraged: Ukrainians React to NATO Summit
Peter Dickinson
Disappointed But Not Discouraged: Ukrainians React to NATO Summit
“Many in Ukraine expressed frustration over the failure to secure a clear signal over NATO membership, but others argued that expectations had been unrealistically high.”
‘Every Day is a Struggle… Between the Desire to Live and Die’ EXCLUSIVE
Daryna Kolomiiets
‘Every Day is a Struggle… Between the Desire to Live and Die’
On the first anniversary of the Russian Terrorist attack on the city of Vinnytsia, where 27 people died – a mother tells how she has tried to pick up the pieces of a life that was lost on that day.
On Reconstruction of Ukraine Part 1 – Laying the Foundations EXCLUSIVE
Daniel Aspleaf
On Reconstruction of Ukraine Part 1 – Laying the Foundations
The scale of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction requires modernization, fresh thinking and the highest standards. Brought together well, the results will be solid for Ukraine’s future.
Vilnius Summit Debacle Exposes First- and Second-Class NATO Members
Adam Borowski
Vilnius Summit Debacle Exposes First- and Second-Class NATO Members
President Zelensky called NATO’s lack of decision-making weak and absurd. The countries on the eastern flank of NATO will draw correct inevitable conclusions, and Russia will be emboldened.
NATO Summit – What Ordinary Ukrainians Think EXCLUSIVE
Iuliia Mendel
NATO Summit – What Ordinary Ukrainians Think
Many had high hopes for at least a concrete timeline. They were disappointed. Others had lower expectations, considering Ukraine is still at war with a nuclear power.
In Ukraine I Saw Brave But Ravaged Land in Limbo. It Needs a Future – It Needs NATO
Timothy Garton Ash
In Ukraine I Saw Brave But Ravaged Land in Limbo. It Needs a Future – It Needs NATO
Joe Biden must be bold at this week’s summit, and help to give Kyiv the security that would allow it to rebuild, Timothy Garton Ash writes.
How NATO Should Fight Back Against Russia’s Hybrid Warfare EXCLUSIVE
Ivana Stradner
How NATO Should Fight Back Against Russia’s Hybrid Warfare
When Russia accuses NATO of waging hybrid war against them, it’s a good indication that they’ve long been doing exactly that. NATO needs to address Russia’s hybrid attacks and fight back in kind.