Parable of Two Men on a Bridge EXCLUSIVE
Yuriy Tarnawsky
Parable of Two Men on a Bridge
Another thoughtful contribution from a leading Ukrainian poet and writer.
Reflections on Ukrainian Independence EXCLUSIVE
Askold S. Lozynskyj
Reflections on Ukrainian Independence
On August 24, Ukrainians throughout the world will celebrate 32 years of independence. The anniversary – celebrated in the midst of a fight for survival – provides plenty of food for thought.
Prigozhin - How Obvious Was That? editor`s choice
Timothy Ash
Prigozhin - How Obvious Was That?
The killing of Prigozhin by the vengeful Kremlin mafia boss was expected sooner rather than later, but what are the implications of this latest manifestation of his ruthlessness.
The Use of Independence Days EXCLUSIVE
Charles Cockell
The Use of Independence Days
As Ukraine celebrates 32 years of independence, this is a good time to ask what we can do with independence days. I suggest that dreams of renewal should be the order of the day.
Is Russia Now Weaponizing Music?
Ivana Stradner
Is Russia Now Weaponizing Music?
Russia has resorted to a wide range of tactics to keep nations within its orbit. Now it’s taken to using music to win over foreign public support.
Ukraine’s Diplomatic Counteroffensive Against Russia’s Presence Africa EXCLUSIVE
Ugo Poletti
Ukraine’s Diplomatic Counteroffensive Against Russia’s Presence Africa
Russia has been taking advantage of anti-colonial sentiment in Africa to gain support in the Global South. Ukraine, with Italy’s help, could present a counterweight.
Stop Listening to ‘Ukraine Experts’ Who Don’t Know Ukrainians EXCLUSIVE
Stash Luczkiw
Stop Listening to ‘Ukraine Experts’ Who Don’t Know Ukrainians
The world is now teeming with so-called Ukraine experts who have no clue about Ukrainians. Their theoretical approach to this war is a recipe for miscalculation, if not disaster.
Taking Freedom to the Moon EXCLUSIVE
Charles Cockell
Taking Freedom to the Moon
The launch by Russia of a spacecraft to the Moon during its ongoing full-scale invasion of Ukraine suggests that the time is ripe to ask: what sort of governance do we want beyond Earth?
Ukraine's Counter-Offensive: Setting Expectations editor`s choice
Lawrence Freedman
Ukraine's Counter-Offensive: Setting Expectations
As Ukrainian forces continue to make slow but sure progress in their counter-offensive, a leading British military specialist places matters in perspective.
Authoritarians of the World Unite! EXCLUSIVE
Rogier Ormeling
Authoritarians of the World Unite!
When Vladimir Putin lauds friendship between Russia and Africa, he speaks directly to those Africans who share in his kleptocratic maxim and soak up the export of corruption.
On the Spot Report and Exclusive Photos from Russian-Targeted Chernihiv EXCLUSIVE
Jay Schnell
On the Spot Report and Exclusive Photos from Russian-Targeted Chernihiv
Exclusive on the scene report for Kyiv Post from Chernihiv by a Canadian video journalist. All photos by the author.
Russia Attacks Odesa’s Head, Heart and Belly EXCLUSIVE
Ugo Poletti
Russia Attacks Odesa’s Head, Heart and Belly
Like a spurned lover with gangster ethics, Putin is trying to disfigure the Pearl of the Black Sea, a city he considers his– notwithstanding the fact that she has unequivocally rejected Russian rule.