Reagan Must Be Spinning in His Grave
David DeBatto
Reagan Must Be Spinning in His Grave
The Republican Party in the US is no longer recognizable. Once a home for Reaganites who saw America as the leader of the free world, it is now a gang of frightened sycophants beholden to Trump.
Deserting the Walls of World Freedom EXCLUSIVE
Robert Zubrin
Deserting the Walls of World Freedom
Lawmakers who would cut and run on Ukraine are unworthy of office
The Resurgence of Ukraine’s Domestic Politics: Causes and Scenarios EXCLUSIVE
Volodymyr Fesenko
The Resurgence of Ukraine’s Domestic Politics: Causes and Scenarios
Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine’s domestic politics have become virtually non-existent, at least not in their previous guise. Gradually, they are coming back.
Supporting Israel, Some US Lawmakers Deny the Same Rights for Ukraine EXCLUSIVE
Stepan Stepanenko
Supporting Israel, Some US Lawmakers Deny the Same Rights for Ukraine
The hypocrisy of far-right Republican lawmakers who support Israel’s right to defend itself while blocking support for Ukraine
The Central Europe Paradox: Wavering on the EU’s Eastern Edge
Stash Luczkiw
The Central Europe Paradox: Wavering on the EU’s Eastern Edge
Ukraine’s neighbors to the west seem increasingly ambivalent in their support. All sides should take heed of this development – because Russia certainly does.
Navigating the Shifting Sands: A Ukrainian Refugee's Tale from Amsterdam EXCLUSIVE
Natasha Rublova
Navigating the Shifting Sands: A Ukrainian Refugee's Tale from Amsterdam
The experience of one Ukrainian refugee woman and single mother trying to build a new temporary life in the Netherlands
Behind the Lines: Russia’s ‘Adoption’ Campaign in Occupied Ukraine
Elina Beketova
Behind the Lines: Russia’s ‘Adoption’ Campaign in Occupied Ukraine
Moscow is encouraging the adoption of war ravaged towns and regions in Ukraine by their Russian counterparts, as it tries to build links with the occupied territories.
Why Did The West Get Russia So Wrong?
Timothy Ash
Why Did The West Get Russia So Wrong?
And could we be making the same mistake with China?
The Man Who Killed Ukraine Aid
Steven Moore
The Man Who Killed Ukraine Aid
Ukraine’s lifeline for US military hardware and support is in jeopardy – primarily because of the machinations of Matt Gaetz and his cohort of pro-Trump Republicans.
Global Refugee Mess
Diane Francis
Global Refugee Mess
Britain is the first nation to demand immediate revision of the Refugee Convention.
Russia’s Opposition in Exile Must Speak Out editor`s choice
Oleksandr Moskalenko
Russia’s Opposition in Exile Must Speak Out
For generations, Russians have had to leave their country to escape political repression, and many have built opposition movements abroad. Where are their voices today?
The Development of Ukraine’s Defence Sector Is Key to Its Victory
Timothy Ash
The Development of Ukraine’s Defence Sector Is Key to Its Victory
The development of the defence sector is crucial for Ukraine’s victory in the war and also its long-term economic development.