The Crimean Bridge and Putin’s Dysfunctional Decision-Making
John R. Bryson
The Crimean Bridge and Putin’s Dysfunctional Decision-Making
For Ukraine, Putin is emerging as their greatest weapon as it is his poor decision-making that accounts for the continuing failure of Russia’s Ukrainian special military operation. The average individ
Our History, Their Fortress EXCLUSIVE
Andriy Kurkov
Our History, Their Fortress
While mobilization continues inside Russia, historic buildings in Ukraine’s occupied territories are being turned into fortresses.  In the southern Siberian Republic of Tuva, homeland of Russian Defen
Generation Z Arrives
Diane Francis
Generation Z Arrives
Members of Generation Z (the demographic group under 25 years of age) are already making a serious global impact: they are leaving Russia by the hundreds of thousands to avoid military conscription. F
Putin and the Shadow of Munich EXCLUSIVE
Joshua D. Zimmerman
Putin and the Shadow of Munich
It is a profound irony, but perhaps not coincidental, that President Putin chose Sept. 30, 2022, to deliver his speech announcing the annexation of the eastern Ukrainian regions of the Donbas, Luhansk
NBU Chief Appointment Should Change Names, Not  Regulator’s Independence EXCLUSIVE
Yaroslav Zhelezniak
NBU Chief Appointment Should Change Names, Not Regulator’s Independence
The Verkhovna Rada has recently appointed former chief of state bank Oschadbank Andriy Pyshnyy as head of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). Mr. Pyshnyy will replace Kyrylo Shevchenko, who resigned c
Last Week in Ukraine: Counter-attacks on Front, New National Bank Chief & Russian Style Gas Trade EXCLUSIVE
Ihor Zhdanov
Last Week in Ukraine: Counter-attacks on Front, New National Bank Chief & Russian Style Gas Trade
The Armed Forces of Ukraine have, by destroying two Russian Tu-22M3 bombers and delivering a devastating blow to the Crimean Bridge, demonstrated their ability to deliver devastating blows to strategi
Russia’s Sham Ukraine Vote Undermines Serbia’s Kosovo Claims EXCLUSIVE
Ivana Stradner
Russia’s Sham Ukraine Vote Undermines Serbia’s Kosovo Claims
Vladimir Putin proclaimed Russia’s annexation of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia Regions of Ukraine on Friday, Sep. 30, stating that they “are becoming [Russia’s] compatriots forever.” Ru
From Isolating to Outlawing Russia – the Criminal Pariah State EXCLUSIVE
Dmytro Dovgopoly
From Isolating to Outlawing Russia – the Criminal Pariah State
Russia has called for the UN to secretly vote on the condemnation of its proclaimed annexation of four Ukrainian regions. Moscow apparently hopes will get more support from the 193 nations in the UN G
Russian Roulette: How Ukraine Can Win the Game (Part 2) EXCLUSIVE
Kate Levchuk
Russian Roulette: How Ukraine Can Win the Game (Part 2)
Click here for part 1. Player #3: Ukrainian nation Starting with a first-in-the-world Constitution, Cossacks’ traditions, and a strong civil society, Ukraine has always had a rich democratic backgroun
Russia Annexes the Sun EXCLUSIVE
Robert Zubrin
Russia Annexes the Sun
But on the bright side, at last, universal justice is achieved. In a brilliant move acclaimed by all peace-loving people everywhere, the Holy Emperor and Leader for Life (HELL), Field Marshall Vladimi
Russian Roulette: How Ukraine Can Win the Game (Part 1) EXCLUSIVE
Kate Levchuk
Russian Roulette: How Ukraine Can Win the Game (Part 1)
The war in Ukraine is one of the most profound tragedies of the 21st century. But not only is it the largest continental war since World War II, it is also a crisis that could have far-reaching implic
How Ukraine Joining NATO Could Avert a Nuclear Catastrophe EXCLUSIVE
Marianna Kozintseva
How Ukraine Joining NATO Could Avert a Nuclear Catastrophe
Russia is falling apart, militarily as well as politically. After a successful counter-offensive in the north-east (still on-going) Ukraine is now succeeding in the south-east, liberating Lyman and nu