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‘Everyone wants to be a Ukrainian,’ – interview with Andrew Kramer, The New York Times international reporter

The New York Times as a leading U.S. media outlet has been covering the Russian war in Ukraine since its very beginning. Andrew Kramer, an international reporter with the NYT  has over 15 years of exp

Apr. 20, 2022

The New York Times as a leading U.S. media outlet has been covering the Russian war in Ukraine since its very beginning. Andrew Kramer, an international reporter with the NYT  has over 15 years of experience covering the post-Soviet region, and Ukraine has always been his focus of attention.

The NYT  aims to cover not only the horrors of war, but also the hopeful side of the story, that is the resilience of the Ukrainian people. 

“On the one hand we were covering the victims of war, which was very important to document. And it became even more important after discovery of human rights abuses in Bucha and in the Kyiv region. But there is another side of this conflict as well which was showing resilience,” says Andrew Kramer.

He says it’s as difficult to answer why Russia started this brutal and cynical war against Ukraine as to answer where the evil stems from.

“What we saw in Bucha was absolute horrendous scene of bodies and it’s difficult to comprehend how something like this might happen,” – Andrew explains.

He talks about the warning signs from Russia, it’s dark side that was not that evident to the world. Now, the world has seen a tremendous amount of spirit from Ukrainians. Andrew is sure that right now everyone wants to be identified with Ukrainians. 

Listen to more about Andrew Kramer’s  thoughts on Russia’s war against Ukraine.