Promprylad.Renovation is an innovation center on the territory of the revitalized plant in Ivano-Frankivsk. It is focused on four areas of regional development: the new economy, urban planning, contemporary art, and education.

The project implements impact investment: Investors fund the development of the region and receive a return on investment in the form of dividends at the same time.

The main objective of the project is to reboot the city and eventually the whole region, moving it from a post-Soviet context into modern sustainable development. It aims to create opportunities for the development of local talents so that they do not leave the city as well as attract new people and become an example for the reсreation of this model in other cities with similar conditions.


The Promprylad.Renovation business model envisages that 70% of the project belongs to co-investors and 30% to the charitable fund of the same name. After revitalization is completed, 70% of profits will be paid to investors as dividends and 30% will be distributed as grants to develop projects in the city and the region. In addition, 30% of the plant is leased at reduced rates to low-profit and non-profit organizations important to the development of the center’s ecosystem.

As of today, the project has already attracted $8.4 million from more than 800 investors. 6,200 square meters have been rebuilt . This is 16% of the total area of the Promprylad.Renovation innovation center. In total, the project provides for the development of infrastructure with a total area of 38,282 square meters on a 2-hectare plot.

This area organically combines social development and business functions. Promprylad will contain a children’s development center, a multifunctional event site, a hotel and hostel, offices of innovative companies, a food market, a makerspace, R&D centers, a cinema center, a business school, incubators, accelerators, etc. According to the business plan, the project should be fully implemented by the end of 2023.


The total budget of the Promprylad.Renovation project is $30 million, $12 million of which is invested by companies and private investors.

The project model provides for the opportunity of attracting both small investments starting from Hr 50,000 and professional slots starting from Hr 2.5 million.

As of May 2021, the Promprylad.Renovation community already unites 850 investors from all Ukraine’s regions as well as 28 foreign countries, and continues to grow every day.

Besides crowdinvesting, the project also raises loans and grants from international partners – $13 million and $5 million, respectively. Promprylad has already received almost $300,000 from the governments of Canada and Sweden and is negotiating loans with IFIs and several Ukrainian banks with international capital.

The major investors of Promprylad.Renovation include CEO and project founder Yuriy Fylyuk, MacPaw, HD Group, DELTA Ukraine, creative agency Banda, сhairman of the board of directors of Effective Investments Igor Liski, Kormotech owners Rostyslav and Yuliana Vovk, Nova Poshta co-owners Viacheslav Klymov and Volodymyr Popereshnyuk, and others.


In addition, Promprylad.Renovation is also supported by 32 institutional partners, including the governments of Sweden and Canada, The International Renaissance Foundation, Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, etc. To develop the vision, strategy and business model, the project attracted the expertise of both national and international partners, namely SRI International, EY, London School of System Change, Robert Bosch Foundation, BMW Foundation, CANactions, and others.

How to become an impact investor?

Yuriy Fylyuk, CEO of the project (BORYSOVSKYI IEVGEN)

“One of the biggest positive effects of the project is the development of a unique investor community. We have managed to bring together people who are interested in more than just accumulating financial capital. Promprylad. Renovation investors form a community with common values and a strong international business reputation. And the synergy of these people increases the added value of the project, because they not only implement one of the most ambitious projects in Ukraine together, but also open new horizons for interaction and creation of new projects beyond its borders.”

In the spring of 2021, the Promprylad.Renovation project began its third stage, with a goal to attract 1,000 impact investors. Both individual investors and companies can join.

The motivation of Promprylad.Renovation investors is twofold. On the one hand, it is an opportunity to join a unique project, which is an important engine of development of the region and the country in general. On the other hand, there is a financial component, because the project has managed to achieve competitive performance in the real estate market, both in terms of profit earning and capitalization.


In 2019-2021, Promprylad.Renovation has increased its assets twofold by international standards. As a result, the capitalization of the investment project increased by 36.24%.

Thanks to its unique business model, the project manages to create a significant impact on the development of the region along with the creation of added economic value for its investors.

Over the course of the project, many positive changes have already taken place in the city. The activities of Promprylad.Renovation were recognized as one of the key factors behind Ivano-Frankivsk taking first place among Ukrainian cities in the Doing Business Forbes Ukraine ranking in 2020. Ivano-Frankivsk was also recognized as the most comfortable city for IT specialists to live in, according to the ranking for 2020.

The project was officially included in the development strategy of Ivano-Frankivsk, gained the support of the government and the President of Ukraine, and broke into the country’s top 5 investment magnets at the global level.

Promprylad.Renovation also became the first Ukrainian business project with a strong social component.  It gained recognition and support from international partners and was presented in Davos, Brussels, Toronto, Stanford, Oxford, the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, and other international platforms as a project which shows great promise for further replication both in and outside Ukraine.


To become an investor, fill out the form here

Contact information:
Ivano-Frankivsk, 23 Akademika Sakharova St. | | +380676327801

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