In a statement published on the Right Sector website, Yarosh said Right Sector as an organization had already achieved its aims.

“Right Sector did its job, as a revolutionary structure during the fighting on the Maidan and the creation of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps (DUK), which helped to resist Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine,” Yarosh said.

“Now it’s time to focus on state building. Our movement has grown up and is strengthening. We want to unite all patriots of Ukraine, without radicalism … but at the same time without liberal demagogy.”

Yarosh said the main goal of Diya at present is to retain stability in Ukraine in preparation for future “revolutionary changes that will provide liberty, justice and prosperity to the Ukrainian people.”

The 5th and 8th battalions and the medical service of the DUK are leaving Right Sector together with the Guide (Yarosh’s official title in the organization). They will form the Volunteer Ukrainian Army, a part of Diya, Yarosh said.


“We’re still not abandoning the revolutionary path, but fully renounce so-called revolutionary activities that threaten the existence of the state of Ukraine and stain patriots’ reputations. We are opposed to the current government, but do not believe that bloody (and doomed to fail) revolts are an appropriate reaction,” Yarosh said in his statement.

Andriy Sharaskin, a former DUK fighter, cyborg (as the defenders of Donetsk Airport are known in Ukraine) and Diya spokesman told the Kyiv Post that no individuals are allowed to join the new Yarosh initiative.

“We opened our doors only for collective membership. At present, more and more volunteer and civic organizations are joining the Yarosh Movement. For example, the Free People of Maidan movement and the Officers’ Union of Ukraine have become a part of Diya, “said Sharaskin.

Sharaskin said that there is a possibility that Diya members might create a new political party in Ukraine.

“If the necessity appears, we might enter big politics,” said Sharaskin.


As for Right Sector, Sharaskin said that Yarosh hopes it will also join Diya.

But Right Sector spokesman Artem Skoropadskiy said it was “ridiculous” to talk of any possible union between his organization and Yarosh’s new movement.

“With Yarosh’s departure we’ve lost 20 percent of our members,” Skoropadskiy said. “But still, Right Sector is an idea, not a person. The people who left us decided that the movement, which was created for revolution, has already played its part. But the revolution is still going on. So their departure was predictable.”

Right Sector officially has no single leader but is ruled by a five-member revolutionary council.

Skoropadskiy said the split with Yarosh made the organization weaker, but that Right Sector would continue on its mission.

Yarosh did his best for the movement on the front in the Donbas, Skoropadskiy said. But his new ideology excludes him from remaining a leader of the radical movement, he said.

“He has made his choice and we parted on peaceful terms,” said Skoropadskiy.

As for the newly created Diya, Skoropadskiy said the organization barely exists.

“All he (Yarosh) has now is his mansion and a base in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, and a few people who trust him,” said Skoropadskiy.


Kyiv Post staff writer Veronika Melkozerova can be reached at

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