As the war in Ukraine drags on, the world watches in horror as Russia flagrantly continues to violate the principles on which the United Nations rests. While Ukrainians endure relentless missile attacks, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, the killing of civilians, and the deportation of children from Ukraine, it is necessary to ask:

Why does Russia continue to hold a seat at the table of an institution committed to promoting peace and security?

If Russia can act with impunity, why should any other nation adhere to the norms of international law?

It is time to act decisively. The UN must remove Russia from its ranks, invoking Article 6 of the UN Charter, which allows for the expulsion of a member state that persistently violates the organization's principles.

Article 6 of the UN Charter states: “A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.”


This provision is not merely rhetoric but serves as a mechanism that safeguards the integrity of the UN itself. The creation of this provision ensures that no member state can undermine the organization's basic purpose of maintaining international peace and security.

If the UN cannot act against a member state that so brazenly disregards its Charter and international humanitarian law, its legitimacy and moral authority no longer exists.

Since its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has shown flagrant disregard for international law, sovereignty, and human rights - principles that are part of the UN Charter. Russia's actions are a gross violation of Article 2, which calls for the peaceful settlement of disputes and prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

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By consistently violating these basic principles, Russia should have excluded itself from further membership. There are three main arguments for Russia's immediate expulsion from the UN.

Firstly, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a direct attack on the fundamental UN principles. 

This is not only an issue of a bilateral conflict; it also poses a fundamental challenge to the international order that the United Nations was established to preserve.


Second, Russia's continued membership sets a dangerous precedent, signaling that a nation can engage in aggression, war crimes, and territorial annexation with impunity.

Ultimately, by allowing Russia to keep its seat - especially as a permanent member of the Security Council with veto power - the UN is enabling Russia to sabotage any efforts aimed at peace and accountability.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is but the latest in a series of aggressive actions by Moscow that defy international law. It is not an isolated incident. From the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 to the continued military operations in eastern Ukraine, Russia has demonstrated a pattern of behavior that contradicts the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

As stated in Article 1, the primary purpose of the UN Charter is to “maintain international peace and security” and to “take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace.” By invading Ukraine, Russia clearly threatened not only peace but also collective security mechanisms.


There are credible reports of widespread atrocities committed by Russian forces, including the targeting of civilian infrastructure including schools, hospitals, kindergartens, dams on rivers, and so on as well as indiscriminate bombardment of areas, and the discovery of mass graves in territories temporarily occupied by Russian troops. These represent gross violations of the Geneva Convention and constitute war crimes.

Russia's continued participation in the UN not only undermines the organization's credibility but also threatens its ability to function effectively.

 If the UN cannot act against a member state that so brazenly disregards its Charter and international humanitarian law, its legitimacy and moral authority no longer exists.

The international order, painstakingly built in the decades following World War II, depends on compliance with rules and norms. Allowing Russia to retain its membership - despite its actions - sets a dangerous precedent that encourages other states to disregard international laws and norms without consequences. This tells the world that a country can engage in territorial conquest and atrocities while still enjoying the privileges of UN membership.

Think about the message this sends to other autocratic leaders around the world. If Russia can act with impunity, why should any other nation adhere to the norms of international law? This double standard undermines the credibility of the UN, reducing it to a forum where aggressive and dictatorial states can use diplomacy as a smokescreen for their actions.


Russia's continued participation in the UN not only undermines the organization's credibility but also threatens its ability to function effectively. As a permanent member of the Security Council, Russia has the right to veto, and it has blocked resolutions condemning its actions or demanding accountability. This effectively cripples the UN's ability to enforce its own Charter, turning it into a toothless entity.

The purpose of the veto is not to shield a country from liability but to prevent unilateral actions that could threaten global peace. Russia's abuse of this privilege has paralyzed the Security Council, rendering it ineffective in addressing one of the most significant threats to international peace in recent history.

As long as Russia remains a member of the UN, especially holds its privileged position on the Security Council, it will continue to obstruct any genuine effort towards peace and accountability.

What hope is there for a just and peaceful world order if the UN cannot confront a member state actively engaged in aggression?

Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly used its veto power to protect itself from international condemnation and prevent collective action against its aggression. This not only undermines the UN's ability to keep the peace but also encourages Russia to continue its military aggression without fear of retaliation.

The international community must face the reality that Russia's continued presence in the UN serves no constructive purpose. On the contrary, it has become an obstacle to peace and stability. Russia uses its platform not to promote dialogue but to spread disinformation, obstruct justice, and legitimize its illegal actions. Russia’s participation mocks the fundamental principles upon which the UN was established.


Although the legal arguments for the expulsion of Russia are convincing, we must also consider the moral dimension of this issue. For too long, the world has stood by, watching Russia violate international norms and carry out violence against a sovereign nation. This is not just a political issue; it is a deep moral crisis that calls into question the very conscience of the international community.

How many more innocent lives must we lose? How many more cities need to collapse, how many more children need to grow up without parents, and how many more refugees need to leave their homes before we take decisive action?  What hope is there for a just and peaceful world order if the UN cannot confront a member state actively engaged in aggression?

Expelling Russia from the UN would be an extraordinary step - but this is an extraordinary situation that calls for bold action. The world must choose between upholding the principles of international law and justice or surrendering to a world that condones brute force and violence. The UN was created as an attempt to avert another world war, promote peace and security, and safeguard human rights. The UN cannot fulfill these roles while guarding a member who flagrantly violates and tramples over all of its principles.


The world, the UN member states, must show courage and moral clarity. They must act not only to defend Ukraine, but also to defend the very idea of an international order based on clear rules. Expelling Russia would not be just a punitive measure; it would be a necessary act to restore the credibility and effectiveness of the UN.

Yes, the expulsion of Russia from the UN won't be a silver bullet ending the conflict in Ukraine or solving all other geopolitical tensions. However, it would send a strong message of global unity against aggression, war crimes, and violations of sovereignty. It would reaffirm the UN's commitment to its founding principles and demonstrate its readiness to act decisively to uphold them.

Such a decision will not be politically straightforward for all UN members, but it is legally and morally correct. History will judge this moment. Will the world choose the path of appeasing dictators and moral cowardice, or will it choose to stand up for justice and the rule of law?

Ultimately, expelling Russia from the UN is about much more than punishing a rogue state. It is about reaffirming our collective commitment to peace, justice, and human dignity.

As Burke so forcefully reminded us, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

It's time for the world to act—and act decisively.

The views expressed in this opinion article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post.

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