Kyiv Post sources in Ukraine’s special services report that on the night of May 29-30, “the Russians lost one long-range radar detection system Nebo-SVU worth about $100 million,” which was located near Armyansk and used to monitor a more than 380-kilometer section of the front protecting Russian positions in Crimea.

According to those sources, the radar system valued at $100 million, was hit by seven aircraft-type kamikaze drones in an operation run by the counterintelligence department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), after which satellite reconnaissance detected that emissions from the system could no longer be detected.

The sources said, the Nebo complex was no longer operational and was “likely turned into a colander.” This SBU operation has rendered the Russian air defense "blind" over a significant section of the front.Last month the SBU targeted a Russian long-range radar station in the Bryansk region, which was monitoring the sky 700 kilometers into Ukrainian territory, sources within the special services informed Kyiv Post.


“The Russians now have one less modernized Nebo-U complex,” Kyiv Post’s source said.

The radar helped Russian troops detect Ukrainian weapons and supported bombers attacking Ukrainian border settlements with guided aerial bombs.

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