Amid the scars of conflict, Ukraine isn’t merely seeking aid. It presents an untapped reservoir of innovation, resilience, and opportunities. Instead of simply extending a handout, the world must recognize the promise within Ukraine’s dynamic startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem and provide the necessary tools and resources for a prosperous future.

A nation at the crossroads of Europe, Ukraine was thrust into the international limelight following the horrific events which began in February 2022. It faced a full-scale war, with Russia’s unwarranted aggression leading to the displacement of millions of individuals, and prompting an outpouring of global support through humanitarian aid and donations.

Amidst the smoke and rubble, the global community stepped forward in an overwhelming display of solidarity. Nations, organizations and individuals rallied behind Ukraine, providing humanitarian aid and many donations. These acts of kindness and support, many from Ukrainians themselves, were critical in ensuring that essential services – from evacuations and medical care to utilities – remained operational during such tumultuous times.


However, there’s a pattern with human compassion that’s both enlightening and, at times, deeply troubling. As Ukraine experienced its darkest hour, the global spotlight was firmly upon it. Media outlets broadcast its plight, and public sentiment surged in support. However, as with many prolonged crises, the relentless news cycle moved on, leaving the Ukrainian narrative somewhat dimmed in the minds of global consciousness. While the initial deluge of assistance was commendable, there has been a sense of diminishing interest and commitment over time.

India Continues Supplying Ammunition to Ukraine Despite Kremlin Protests
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India Continues Supplying Ammunition to Ukraine Despite Kremlin Protests

The ammunition supplied includes 155mm high-explosive incendiary fragmentation shells, 120mm and 125mm ammunition, and mortar shells of the same calibers.

Yet, as media attention wanes and global interest in war diminishes, Ukraine stands at a pivotal juncture, looking to rebuild and reimagine its future. And in this endeavor, pure humanitarian efforts alone won’t suffice. The promise for a prosperous Ukraine lies within its burgeoning entrepreneurial scene, waiting to be explored and invested in.


Instead of a handout, provide a hand up

"An investor's commitment can help write the nation's comeback story."

Before the onset of the war, Ukraine was emerging as a global IT powerhouse, with over 200,000 IT professionals and over 4,000 tech companies contributing over $6 billion to the country’s economy annually. The nation has birthed startups like Grammarly, GitLab, Reface, and DepositPhotos, that have now taken center stage in the international market, becoming Unicorns.

Global investors and businesses must pivot from humanitarian aid to meaningful investments to rejuvenate Ukraine’s battered economy. Investing in Ukrainian startups and entrepreneurs promises lucrative returns and paves the path for sustainable economic recovery. Using services from Ukraine-based companies, especially in the tech and digital realm, can be a strategic move for global businesses.

“In the heart of adversity, the seeds of innovation sprout” – this isn’t just a quote; it’s a reality evident in the resilience of Ukrainian entrepreneurs turning challenges into opportunities.


So, if you’re looking for the next significant investment or a disruptive tech solution, cast your eyes on Ukraine. An investor’s commitment won’t yield dividends but can help script a nation’s comeback story.

As John F. Kennedy once remarked: “Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.” Perhaps, it’s time we ask not just how we can help Ukraine, but how we can collaborate and grow with it.

“Ukraine isn’t just surviving; it’s innovating at every turn.”

While the war may have painted a somber backdrop, it’s essential to remember the vibrant and diverse startup ecosystem that has, for years, taken root in Ukraine’s fertile intellectual soil and innovative landscape.

Let’s take a closer look at its constituent parts.

A robust EdTech scene

Ukraine’s emphasis on education is evident in its booming EdTech industry. Startups like Preply, an online platform connecting students with private tutors worldwide, have risen to global acclaim. Despite the war, Preply raised $70 million with the support of Horizon Capital, the country’s largest private equity firm, which also raised $250 million during the war. Such platforms are aiding in democratizing education globally and showcasing Ukraine’s prowess in merging technology with education.


Thriving Fintech innovations

In the financial tech sector, Ukraine has produced gems like Monobank, the country’s first mobile-only bank. With its user-friendly interface and innovative banking solutions, Monobank has redefined banking for thousands. It is worth mentioning the genius Ukrainian co-founder Vlad Yatsenko, who was behind the successful Revolut.

Health-tech pioneers

Given the recent health challenges, Ukrainian startups have risen to the occasion. Platforms like Doc.UA and Liki24 enable users to manage their medical histories, set reminders, consult doctors, order medicine online, and experience a holistic digital healthcare experience.

Agri-tech champions

Agriculture is the backbone of Ukraine’s economy, and startups like Petiole are revolutionizing it. By providing an application that measures leaf area for agronomists, Petiole aids in improving crop yield and showcasing how technology can be seamlessly integrated with traditional sectors.

Valerii Yakovenko, a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Drone.Ua, along with other co-founders, launched FarmFleet during the war. The startup develops an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and a tool for farmers to perform technological operations.

Gaming legends

Did you know that the globally-acclaimed game, STALKER, was developed by Ukrainian game developers? The country’s gaming industry is vibrant, with developers having a hand in various popular titles played worldwide. Companies like UbiSoft and Gameloft have offices in Ukraine, with more than 500 employees in each of these companies.  


Ukraine isn’t just surviving; it’s innovating at every turn. Every adversity faced has led to ingenuity; every challenge has sprouted solutions; and every setback has bred determination.

The ongoing conflict has, without a doubt, posed significant challenges for Ukraine’s business community. However, the country’s entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. International investors must recognize that investing in Ukraine isn’t just about offering assistance, but tapping into a reservoir of innovation and resilience.

When considering the future, remember the words of Winston Churchill: “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” Ukraine, despite its difficulties, is a land of immense opportunity. It beckons global stakeholders not just to witness its renaissance but to be active participants in it.

By investing in Ukraine’s startups, we’re fueling the economy and sending a message: We believe in your future, and we’re with you every step of the way.

Investing in Ukraine – a gateway to global expansion


Investments as modest as $10,000 can find their way into promising startups through venture funds like ZAS Ventures or private equity such as Dragon Capital – a pathway toward rebuilding a nation brimming with potential.

As a Ukrainian, I have experienced firsthand the agonizing impact of the war. In the early days of the conflict, I found myself in a position where many others might have felt helpless. My first steps were grounded in urgent necessity. But action was needed, and I plunged headlong into the chaos.

I donated to our brave front-line soldiers and supported fleeing family members and friends who faced relentless onslaught at home. Through tireless efforts, I managed to raise substantial aid from friends, colleagues, alumni of the HEC Paris business school, and strangers worldwide.

At the peak of the conflict, when Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Mykolaiv were under severe strain, I managed to organize medicine and crucial medical equipment deliveries directly from France. I as keen to ensure they reached maternity and children’s wards, even amidst the turbulence of bombardment and curfews. I coordinated logistics to deliver medicine and crucial medical equipment, and these supplies reached those who needed them most.

But the efforts didn’t stop at immediate relief. Recognizing the long-term challenges Ukraine would face, a realization dawned: long-term strategies were paramount for Ukraine to recover and flourish.

Whereas many see Ukraine through the lens of humanitarian relief, I saw a land ripe with innovation and untapped opportunities. I turned my focus to aid startups. I channeled personal funds into two Ukrainian startups that embodied hope and progress, starting with a healthcare innovator providing much-needed support for amputees. This company made it onto the cover of Time Magazine, Esper Bionics, and another that harnesses AI to boost SMEs’ growth, Zeely. I attended the online Google Startups event in Poland and listened to many thriving entrepreneurs.

Through connections with a Ukrainian venture fund, ZAS Ventures, specifically designed to support homegrown startups, I’ve seen friends and colleagues from the MENA region invest such modest sums as $10,000 to support startups to turn their investments into lifelines for innovation, rebuilding, and growth. They are helping to craft a new chapter in the Ukrainian entrepreneurial story, filled with promise and resilience.

“Ukraine’s education system has cultivated a workforce equipped to lead the tech revolution, providing fertile ground for investors searching for the next big thing.”

An unbroken entrepreneurial spirit

This is the Ukraine I know. A land where EdTech platforms like Preply rise to global acclaim, Fintech ventures like MonoBank revolutionize traditional sectors, and an undying spirit turns adversity into innovation.

A history of resilience

Ukraine’s spirit of resilience and innovation is not a novel phenomenon but is embedded in the nation’s history. From the Orange Revolution to the 21st century tech boom, Ukraine has consistently demonstrated an ability to adapt, innovate, and push forward.

A talent pool bursting with potential

The rich talent pool is one of Ukraine’s most undeniable assets. Renowned universities such as Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University consistently produce graduates equipped to lead in tech, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

The recent opening of the American University of Kyiv during the throes of the conflict serves as a poignant testament to Ukraine’s unwavering commitment to education and progress. Ukraine’s education system has cultivated a workforce equipped to lead the tech revolution, providing fertile ground for investors searching for the next big thing.

Global collaborations and reach

Startups like Grammarly, which began its journey in Kyiv before becoming a global powerhouse in linguistic technology, and GitLab, co-founded by a Ukrainian, Dmitriy Zaporozhets, are prime examples of Ukrainian products with worldwide relevance. Ukrainian innovation isn’t confined to local boundaries. Startups from Ukraine have entered global markets and forged international partnerships, indicating the worldwide relevance of products and services hailing from this resilient nation.

Proactive government support

Ukraine’s government has fostered a conducive startup environment. From tax incentives to dedicated tech parks, these initiatives create a supportive landscape for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

Success against all odds

Success stories continue to emerge amidst conflict challenges. Startups that have survived and thrived post-conflict serve as beacons of hope and opportunity, showcasing the untapped potential within Ukraine’s borders.

The power of the diaspora

The Ukrainian diaspora, spread worldwide, can play a critical role in nurturing the entrepreneurial ecosystem. More than just financial support, the diaspora provides mentorship and networking opportunities and acts as an ambassador for Ukrainian innovation on the global stage.

Incubators and hubs

Institutions like UNIT.City and iHUB are shaping the future of Ukraine’s startup scene. By providing a structured support system and nurturing young entrepreneurs, they lay the groundwork for long-term success and growth.

Multiplier effect

Investing in startups is about more than individual companies. It’s about job creation, boosting related industries, and contributing to the overall health of Ukraine’s economy. Investments ripple out, creating a cascade of positive impacts that benefit the nation.

Voices from the ground

Personal stories and testimonials from entrepreneurs who have received investments offer a compelling insight into the transformational power of capital. These real-life examples bridge the gap between abstract opportunities and tangible outcomes.

Ukraine stands at a crossroads, and the path forward is clear. Investments, collaboration, and active participation in this promising journey are not merely opportunities but a call to action. The time is ripe for exploring, engaging, and becoming part of a story filled with boundless potential.

Invest in Ukraine. Invest in innovation. Invest in a future that’s waiting to be written.


The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily of Kyiv Post.

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